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The dance classes make a significant difference to physical symptoms [of Parkinson's] ....They also boost my confidence. The class is carefully crafted and Helen makes movements which I would find hard on my own much easier.
Dance & Parkinson's 'oop North
UCLanDance have worked with LPM over a number of years and have been consistently impressed by the quality, integrity and reach of their work.
LPM are a FABULOUS dance company. The workshop was brilliantly sparkly, engaging, educational, creative and imaginative - meant so much to me and my little girl to be able to take part - I've never seen her so enthusiastic about getting together with other children to dance and have fun!
Wriggle and Roll
At a global level - today opened out new perspectives to movement and dance and the opportunities we have to create greater inclusiveness - I find the possibilities exciting. On a personal level, today has reconnected me with my body and my identity as a mover. I recognise that as I've grown older that connection gets lost, but that creative energy is still there. It's been a beautiful reminder that my body still loves this and can do it. I've been given permission to play at 73.
IF Fest
There are phrases the medical field is using; quality of life and well-being. Dance is the only exercise I've found that supports both aspects as an older man living with Parkinson's.
Dance & Parkinson's 'oop North
I can’t tell you how much all these classes are helping keep me going. After all the cancer treatment and auto immune problems I’ve recovered a lot of energy and am now regaining strength and flexibility. How great is that???!!!
Dance & Parkinson's 'oop North
Knowing how sparse creative opportunities are for people who haven't got an easy journey to accessing them, it's exciting and inspiring to see this happening. Events like this are an opportunity to give people involved in mainstream dance and/or education an insight into 'who' is a dancer and 'who' is a choreographer.
IF Fest
Reflections on Fulwood Moves 2021/2022- by Kate Jenner- February 2022
Fulwood Moves has benefitted me in ways I' did not expect when I signed up for it.
Walking, dancing and listening to poetry in the unlikely surroundings of a Preston library quickly became a highlight of my week.
I faced the transition from life as a busy university senior lecturer into the slower pace of early retirement.
Fulwood Library, in Garstang Road, became a focal point for me and its activities helped me adapt to a different mmode of existence.
On of these was the programme run by LPM Dance offering an hour's walk around Fulwood followed by seated exercise to music. I joined up to meet new people and get more active. I have achieved both!
Helen and George from LPM were warm and welcoming. Their chair exercise has covered assorted dance styles. It has been a revelation to see how hard you can work while seated.
On the walks we have explored parts of Fulwood I did not know very well and learn about the history of the area using participants knowledge.
Talented Lancaster poet John Martin shared his work on the walks and in the dance sessions.
There is also a podcast telling the story of Fulwood Moves for anyone who wants to follow in our footsteps. The library is building on the interest created by the programme by starting a walking group on the last Friday of each month from 10am-11,30. I'll be there!
I've been here for 13 years and have never seen the common room so busy! You've just brought people together, it's been wonderful!
Resident of Almelo House, Community Gateway Association, Preston. Feeback following LPM residency Feb 2022
Apparently, money can't buy you love, but it sure can sure buy you a whole lot of healthy fun!
Dance & Parkinson's 'oop North
This was a different kind of symposium - much more physical than expected! I was out of my comfort zone but that was a positive thing
IF Fest
One can get the exercise with an aerobics class in a gym or a walk along the foreshore (beach). The fell walking is more difficult due to the decreasing ability to make the descent. I miss the solitude of the high fells and the tintinnabulation of a stream in the valley below when one comes over a crest. Dancing led by a knowledgeable tutor brings an insight with the cultural and artistic zeitgeist. The theme of the dance can reflect other artwork. An example comes from the beginning of the first lockdown when local artists were exploring “expanding into space”, Helen took this theme and created a dance based on it. The result was a dance that engaged the mind as well as the body. It emulated a walk in the fells rather than a mere aerobics workout.
Dance & Parkinson's 'oop North
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